Differences between ODS and Data Warehouse (or) OLTP and OLAP:
Non Redendent data
Redendent data Available
Less amount of data here
Huge amount of data here
End user Employee
End user CEO , high level managenent
Using OLTP technology
Using OLAP technology
Running the business
Analysing the business
Not maintain history
Mintain History also
Having UnOrganiesd data
Having Organised data
Application oriented data
Subject oriented data
Current data
Historical data
Detailed data
Summary data
Volatile data
Non-volatile data
Less history (3-6 months)
More history (5-10 years)
Normalization data
De-normalization data
Designed for running the business
Designed for analyzing the business
Supports E-R modeling
Supports Dimensional modeling
Clerical users can access this data
Knowledge users can access this data
DB Size – 100MB-GB
DB Size – 100GB-TB
Few Indexes
Many Indexes
Many Joins
Some Joins
It is designed to support business
transactional processing.
It is designed to support decision
making process.